So anyway, I'm now nearly at the end of my middle week in the cycle so expecting to have turned the corner a bit now and keep improving until my next cycle of Chemo on 4th April.
This week I have got better at accepting help.. (A real battle for me, Mrs independent😘) and have been grateful for my mum and mother in law tackling ironing, and jobs around the house for me.
Once again I've had amazing support during this cycle and I've manage to keep busy, meals made for us, taken out for treats... (Mmmm I timed my trip to the Waffle House just right before my taste buds went on strike 😘), I've fed people lots of cake! Celebrated birthdays, including Sparky's fab surprise do..
Jake's birthday (more celebrations for that over Easter Holidays)
been to the Olympic swim centre for sport relief,
ran the sport relief mile with Luke (4) and the 2 bigger Langford boys did 3 miles.
Jake had everyone singing happy birthday to him at the track which made me laugh.. I'm not sure where he gets this shy, retiring streak from 😂
It's s good gob I don't need to check my hair in 'The Mirror of Motivation' where I've been putting my cards and notes since my treatment began as I'm running low on space! 💗
So it's been 100 days since I was told I had breast cancer, and although I've been poked and prodded, scanned and examined in that time, my eye brows and eye lashes have thinned, hair has gone, hot flushes have started, and everyday my frustration grows at not being able to do the things I want to do, and at the pace I want to do them😘 I'll happily admit I'm not a very patient person, and knowing how long it will be before I can do what I want again is playing on my mind at the moment. All being well I will finish Chemo in 1 months time, (2 treatments), however I still have surgery and Radioteraphy ahead. But I will get back to it, I just have to keep finding other ways to keep myself busy in the meantime.
So for now we are heading up to visit family for the Easter weekend, being looked after and enjoying the break.
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