Thursday, 7 April 2016

Round 5 - Done!

So in just 10 days I should have been running my 1st marathon.. And yes I know my time will come but it still doesn't take away the bitter taste of disappointment of not being able to do something I was working so hard towards! 

The other bitter taste is possibly all the drugs making everything tastes nasty! I can't believe after a last minute call to arms to console a friend last night with drinks resulted in me drinking 1/3 of a fruit cider, half a mug of hot chocolate, and a cup of tea!! Go me! Such a party animal but nothing tasted right.. My gaviscon chaser before bed sorted me right out and at least I could sleep🙃

So anyway, where am I at now? Round 5 of chemo is currently swarming round my system doing it's thing... Feeling tired this week but as ever could be worse!  

Jo was of course at my side for round 5.. We're nearly done with Chemo selfies! 

The boys are on Easter holidays and have been little super stars, it will however be good to get them back to school next week into routine and normality. 

When I saw the oncologist last time there seems to be more shrinking of POLAB (name given to my lump by my 4 year old!). Which is great news. I'll next see her the Friday before my last Chemo to review. (22nd April) then new images will be taken after Chemo to decide on my surgery plan. Obviously I can't wait to get to that point.. It really will feel like a big step forward and another milestone achieved.

Round 4 Docetaxel was definitely harder than FEC, I was tired, a bit grumpy and I ached and at times just felt 'odd'.. But for the 1st time in this I did allow myself some time out and accepted a bit more help.. It was great getting away to spend time with family for Easter and being looked after.. Pops fed us well and we enjoyed some good old fashioned games.. Even if the 9 year old beat us😂 

The Easter holidays have also seen us enjoy Jake's birthday treat to Shrek's Adventure which he really enjoyed.. Although Luke was not quite so blown away 

So for now I'll have another cup of tea, and try not to do too much! 

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