Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Hmm wine o'clock!

What a day! 

Said goodbye to hubby at 7am for his few days in Nottingham, took the boys to school and popped into town, got caught off guard as my eyes had been watery, in the car Robbie Williams 'She's the one' came on the radio.. And that made my eyes water that little bit more and a lump come in my throat just thinking about my boys and all the 'What if' scenarios... Something I rarely think about to be honest.. 

So anyway in town I met a new friend who has just been declared 'Cancer free' days after her 40th birthday which is fantastic news and really brightened my day. Great to meet another young woman just ahead of me in treatment and now coming out the other side still smiling and joking in the same kind of way I've been handling this!

So anyway this afternoon brought an appointment with my oncologist which showed significant change in size of my lump now, which is fantastic news. Before the end of my next cycle I will be having a staple put into the lump so that it can still be tracked as the lump continues to shrink. 

I do need to get my eyes tested, but that is long overdue anyway! At times I've been noticing my vision is more blurry than normal so just to double check everything I will book in with an optican. 

Just as I was about to put the boys to bed I got a phone call from the Genetics Dr who confirmed I do not have the faulty BRCA 1 or 2 gene so there does not seem to be a genetic reason got my cancer! 
Again more good news especially coupled with the shrinkage in the lump.. Hopefully will mean better surgery and recovery options. 

I know the next cycle on Monday is back to the drawing board in so many ways, Although this receipe of drugs is different and should be quicker to go deliver. I know it's a train due to hit me very soon and really wipe me out.. If I can plan for that then I can only be pleasantly surprised if it's not as bad as I'm bracing myself for😘 but after positive news today I am feeling ready to drink some wine with my friends and face the next part of my treatment and kick it's backside!!!

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